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Posted on March 6, 2013, 11:49 pm, F spotting M (Student Center). 16 comments. Mail  MIT

I saw you in front of Maseeh with your friends, and I think you were trying to climb into a window or something. You looked really sketchy, but I couldn't help notice your beautiful blue eyes and broad muscular shoulders. I'm pretty sure you're in a relationship with someone now, but maybe in a different universe we could be together <3

  1. ZB?

  2. BZA! BZA!

  3. @2 Do you want more rape jokes?

  4. @3 what kind of a sense of humor do u have? "Rape" and "joke" in the same sentence?!! What the hell is wrong with you? It's so sad seeing that there are still people like you who dare to take "rape" related stuff as part of jokes and shit like that.. You don't go to MIT, do you? if you do, then what an unfortunate thing for our community!

  5. Oh boy here we go
    Also I wonder how many successful burglaries are by good looking guys.

  6. @4 Heeheeheeheehee

  7. The BZA trolls really need to stop raping ISY.

  8. I seriously don't understand why people complain and get defensive about rape jokes but don't care about jokes about murder, genocide, racism, etc. What excuses rape from the joke bag? No one is going to laugh about a rape joke and think "oh hey that sounds like fun!" which has been the only complaint I've ever heard about it. Hurrdurr rape culture.

  9. Murdered people don't live to tell the tale.

  10. So we can make fun of rape once victims die? lol alright.

  11. doubt there's much ptsd in the victims of murder rapes.

  12. As one of the people who objects to rape jokes, I and my friends also generally the people who object to jokes about rape also object to racist jokes.
    Jokes *about* racism can be hilarious though. Russel Peters has some excellent ones at the expense of racist beliefs and actions.

    The actual point is that words mean things and jokes make points. If they didn't, you could call John Stewart and Stephen Colbert apolitical. So the question to ask your self is, what does this joke say?

    If it says "eh, rape isn't really a problem." or "eh, women who dress skimpy are totally asking for it." or some other such bullshit, then you can go fuck yourself.

    But it isn't as if mentioning rape in a joke automatically
    Here are two comedians with jokes that make good points about rape.

    Louis C.K. -
    Dave Chappelle -

    (For the sake of humor, please watch these before reading further.)

    So what do these say?
    The first one is about how people should actually communicate about what they want during sex, which true! Communication not only makes for better sex but it means you're not raping someone. This is something feminists say all the time.
    The second is about how there is a lot of stigma and shame attached to reporting rape, particularly for men. This is also true and very important because of how true it is. And there are feminist organizations doing activism in this area. Here:

  13. what does BZA mean?

  14. The issue in this case specifically is the context- there's a specific person entangled in the conversation here. Although I've no idea who she is and really couldn't care less, BZA is a living, breathing human female (or so I've gathered). She has a life. She bleeds. Things can hurt her, mentally and physically, as they can all living people. It's therefore massively inappropriate to joke about rape when it's even tangentially related to her, even if the direct impetus for 3's suggestion was to piss off some person on the internet.

  15. @13 Benzolamide

  16. The BZA trolls really need to get women. It's a vagina!