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Posted on December 29, 2012, 4:23 am, M spotting F (Other). 22 comments. Mail  

The friend that keeps me company late at night. That keeps me warm in the coldest of winters. That tucks me in and makes sure I get some quality sleep. I could live without you, but I feel a little less lonely with you by my side. You get me through the hard times, and are there for the good.

To those sweet ciders, the forever lovely lady Vodka, and the classy Mr. Whiskey. To you, I owe a thanks. Thanks for your magic.

  1. cheers!

  2. Cute. :)

    As a fellow bottle-hugger, I too drink to the nights of whiskey and wine. Whiskey goes well with lots of things: rooibos, fruit juice, etc. Cheers, my friend. Hope the hard times don't last!

  3. i'll drink to your drinking to drinking!

    also yay for boozing tea-lovers. the ambrosial elixirs of my every day.
    can't wait to buy out tealuxe when i get back for iap and dump whiskey in the brew. hot tea-toddies are da best.

  4. Just so y'all know, if any of you ever feel out of control of or even just concerned about your drinking, Alcoholics Anonymous is super accepting of everyone. You'd be hard-pressed to find a warmer and more friendly place.
    There are meetings on tuesdays and thursdays at noon in E23-376 in MIT medical, and also a bunch of others around cambridge.

  5. I had no idea MIT had an AA. That's nice to know.

  6. If you ask me, your drinking should be proportional to how happy you are. If you aren't happy, you probably shouldn't be

  7. @6 unfortunately it doesn't quite work like that.
    it's more like: i'm not very happy right now, if I could only have a few swigs i'd be a lot happier right now. *swigs* oh boy i'm a lot happier than I was a minute ago.

    depending on the mindset,a more natural statement might be the inverse of what you said, maybe 'your drinking should be proportional to how UNhappy your are."

  8. MIT girls, your love is my alcohol.

    -A guy with MIT goggles

  9. Pass the PRB, mate.
    Don't worry if you've never heard of it. Cool kids will know

  10. Here's to all the families alcohol has ruined, cheers!

  11. @9
    > PRB
    > PRB
    > P
    > R
    > B

    I really haven't heard of it

  12. I assume he means, People's Republic Brew or something unrelated to Papst.

  13. @11
    >Almost 2013
    >Using meme arrows

  14. @13
    > meme arrows

    You gotta be fucking kidding me.

  15. @13
    Oldfag here since '06, haven't been on 4chan since '10, you make me want to cut open your head and shit down your neck.

  16. @13
    Ironic shitposting is still shitposting etc.
    You left at a good time.

  17. Fernando alone

  18. @16 I don't think there's ever a good time, other than before you start.

  19. @17
    exactly who I was thinking

  20. Lololol Fernando alone

  21. ^ Torres =/ At least we have Demba Ba coming up.

  22. Guys, we did it.

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