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Posted on October 22, 2011, 1:39 am, F spotting M (Dorm). 90 comments. MIT

I saw you... homophobic guys. I don't get why you are so uncomfortable with male homosexuality. Have none of you ever questioned whether you might be gay or bisexual at *some* point in your lives?

  1. no i have never thought about it in my life actually....and it makes me uncomfortable because the thought of two dudes engaging in physical and intimate contact makes me gag

  2. I think for some of them, though they wouldn't let this slip if their lives depended on it, having considered it themselves is exactly why it's uncomfortable.

  3. No, why the fuck would I question whether I'm gay or bisexual?

    I know what I want and it's not a man.

  4. @1: Why is that? As a gay man (who does not find the idea of two women in intimate contact gag-worthy, just boring), I cannot understand why some straight men have that reaction to gay men. What thoughts go through your head when you see two guys kissing? I really want to see if you can rationalize it.

  5. OP here. I'm a straight girl.

    The reason I asked this question is that I also find girls hot. I don't have a desire to kiss or sleep with girls, but I do find them hot/sexy at times. So I don't understand why straight guys cannot see or never admit to see attractiveness in other guys.

    I'm curious a about #4's question: why are you so disgusted?

  6. OP here. I'm a straight girl.

    The reason I asked this question is that I also find girls hot. I don't have a desire to kiss or sleep with girls, but I do find them hot/sexy at times. So I don't understand why straight guys cannot see or never admit to see attractiveness in other guys.

    I'm curious a about #4's question: why are you so disgusted?

  7. Double Standard in society. Guys were just raised that way.

    No homo bro.

  8. @1
    it's because of people like you I hated going to middle school.

  9. I'm straight with many gay friends. However I just think gay physical intimacy is gross and being gay is weird in a way. I'm open about it with my gay friends and they understand. Yes I think men can be attractive, but girls are in general more pretty beings. Also girls are more emotional than men so I think that allows them to push physical boundaries with each other (even when straight) because it doesn't mean as much. This is only my hypothesis, so feel free to comment. I have definitely thought if I like men, but I would never in any mind want anything physical with another man, ever.

    For the record: nothing wrong with being gay, it's just not my thing but god bless those that are gay and I wish the best to you :).

  10. @9

  11. I just want to maximize my reproductive function. Any interest in men sexually is not an opportunity cost I could afford. I know what I don't want, simple as that.

    @9, you gay. It's obvious that men are attractive to women, but objectively, I'm prettier than any woman I know.

  12. Men are crude, dirty, competitive and unattractive--physically they lack soft+shiny skin, cleanliness, good handwriting, kindness, empathy, girl hair, curves, breasts; other feminine characteristics. Women are clean and make up for the grossness that a naked man entails. I see a woman and can't help but feel happy because of their generally positive, supportive and feminine attitudes. I feel annoyed when there are no girls around me since men are generally simple, competing, uninteresting (I am one) and not at all sexually attractive to me.

    I have no idea why women like us. Why do you?

    I have a penis, big muscles, stubbornness and everything else other guys have. Not interested one bit in a guy (YUCK!). Thinking of a man in a sexual way is just so counter to what I find natural and it honestly makes me sick, which is why I NEVER think about it. It's not how I was raised, it's who I am (a straight man). I have not doubt that it's just how I feel. I am okay seeing two women together because women are clean, pretty, nice and feminine. As in, I'd like to be with them--the idea makes me happy. Men, on the other hand, compete with one another in many settings and I don't want to get intimate with one. I have never found one sexually attractive. It just makes no sense to me. Two men (rough skin, hairy, deep voices, male parts, etc.) naked together grosses me out tremendously and is the last thing I want to be around or even think about.

    btw, I am for gay rights. I am truly sorry if any gay men were offended by this. I support your cause and think you should be able to get what you want. This is just how I feel. I think two guys should be able to do whatever they want together, where the more intimate things really should be confined to private areas to keep people like me from feeling uneasy. Honestly, I think all PDA should be kept private.

  13. @12
    Vanish. get out of the gene pool.

    I thrive on the competition. I have many complex and interesting thoughts, which women are amazed by. Few women look great enough to get as aesthetic as me and my sick abs. Women want to receive the gift of my high valued genes, not sure about you though, bro.

    Gay rights? Sure. More suckers = more bitches for me. In fact, try harder, maybe you can find a gay side to you.


  14. @ 11 you don't make any sense. you sound like an idiot too. or maybe you're gay and being very defensive. it's okay to be gay man, just don't be so mad about it.

  15. @12, forget about 13. Most guys feel the same way, and @13, 12's on your side for being for gay marriage, even though he personally is disgusted, he's willing to give you the choice, so you should want people like him to multiply, not vanish. Yes, he's quite uncomfortable with it, but that's normal, acceptable and natural for non-gays.

    Adding to reasons people have that factor into being homophobic:

    Wether or not you believe in God, any person on earth with a biology book, or a description, or even an image, of a man and a woman, can tell you that men were ment to be with women, and vice verca. It's what's rational. It's the only reason humanity exists: reproduction. It's how it's always been, it's how we are, it's how humans will always be. For the most part, at least. If not, then we'll soon go extinct.

    The truth is, things work in a certain way. Reproduction, the continuity life, and sex work in a certain way of nature. Just like gravity. Now, clearly there are people who do not follow this natural basic law, which can be described as exceptions, random weird occurrences, anomalies, abnormalities. Some will even say an error the system. It's not natural, and you all know it.

    Sexual orientation is not like race. People of all races have always and always will exist. it's completely natural. Homosexuality just isn't.

    I'm sorry if I'm offending you, but I'm just being real - it's against nature.

    So why are you so surprised that many people are alarmed or scared of it?Is it really weird for people to stay away from something that it not just weird? And it's not just weird or unnatural, it's anti-nature. It moves directly to extinction were heterosexuality ensures life. We should be scared.

    And many of you joke and say it's natural because earth is over populated...

    be grateful that there are people like 12 who accept living with anomalies.

  16. @12 +1 you put into words what most of us can't communicate

  17. @15 Your rant seems to be an amalgamation of misconceptions. In particular, you seem be confusing two very distinct ideas: 1) The way things tend to happen in nature 2) The ideal structure of human society. When you say that homosexuality is against nature, you are assuming that the natural world has prescriptive power, you are assuming you understand this miraculous intentionality of nature, and you are (falsely) assuming that homosexual behavior does not naturally occur among animals.

    Homosexuality is not contagious, and gay people are very much in the minority. There is no reason to be scared of gay people (outside the usual culture shock of meeting people who behave differently than what you are used to), and there is no reasonable way to logically conclude that their existence is a threat to the continuation of the human race. Indeed, in this modern world, we now have the technological means to make babies without heterosexual contact, so that even in the unlikely event that all straight people were to vanish from the earth, the human race could still survive.

    On a more general note, sexual attraction in humans seems to be more complex and subtle than a single gay/straight switch. People's attraction to men and women seems to fall along a spectrum of more than one dimension - in addition to the usual dichotomy, some people are attracted to both, and some are attracted to neither. There have been many cases where a person who tends to be attracted to one sex is also attracted to select individuals of the other sex. For many people, this degree of attraction can vary over time, based on mood, context, or personal experiences. I think it is ultimately harmful to stigmatize such differences.

  18. @12: I mean, you could have summarized it as: I am heterosexual. I.e., I am attracted to girls and not boys.

    That's perfectly fine, obviously. But why is it *gross* (rather than, say, boring) that two guys are together?

    One hypothesis is that you're terrified that you feel a tiny bit of attraction for it (sexuality is fluid--most straight people have a tiny bit of attraction for the same sex).

    Another hypothesis is that, when you're with a group of your bros, you need to make sure to constantly reassert your heterosexuality--which you do by expressing disgust at gay people.

    Really, this is the reason why gay marriage is illegal in most states. It has nothing to do with God or nature or "the family."

    It has everything to do with the fact that people like you are disgusted by the thought of two guys in any sort of intimacy.

  19. @18/17.
    Here's the thing: penises were designed for vaginas, not assholes. Therefore being gay is an abnormality. It's not a bad thing by any means. The same can be said about asexuals and bisexuals.

    I find gay male intimacy gross for neither of those reasons. The thought of two men kissing/having sex literally is just a huge turn off. Social Norms don't drive my opinion, it's my own orientation. My gay friends tried to get me to try a "bisexual experience" and there was just no spark like how I feel when I'm with another woman.

    It's almost as if you are saying I'm afraid to try it, which is not the case. I could honestly not give two shits about what my friends think, I just like vaginas only. No masculine faces, no penises, no hairy/muscular bodies, just women only

  20. @19: It's almost as if you think that if you don't think gay people are gross, you're gay yourself.

    That's NOT true. I'm not saying that you should want to try a gay experience. I'm just saying that the thought of two men together should be a "meh" thing. Like, totally uninteresting to you.

    You can like vaginas and not care about penises. That's what I'm trying to say.

  21. @19 People are entitled to their own opinions. I can think whatever I want is gross. I think anal sex is gross but that doesn't mean I'll judge my friends doing it. I have gay friends for a reason: I accept them for who they are even if I think they do things I find as gross. They know I think it's gross. Thinking something is gross is not a feeling you can change or repress sometimes no matter how many viewpoints you take. Back off and relax, I'm answering the original question on the thread. You're obviously tol touchy about this. Waste your time and energy on someone that actually has a problem with homosexuality.

  22. I'm a straight male and I think some guys can be beautiful, sublime, powerful, emotional, thoughtful, creative, intelligent, and interesting. I cannot rationalize why this thinking is stigmatized.

    They don't attract me sexually (right now) so I'm not pursuing men in that way.

    But attraction is awesome, and it makes me happy to see gay couples enjoying their freedom. It's not gross in any sense.

  23. two gay guys making out: THAT SHIT IS GROSS! imagine watching that for > 3 seconds and you'll start to puke. seriously. i think straight men just think of themselves in one of their shoes and how traumatized they'd be if they did that. it's just backwards, frustrating, and repulsive. i pursue women and prefer guys to not be in the picture. two girls is also weird, but it's not gross. just slightly confusing and interesting in the latter case.

    we should just tolerate what gay males want/need (marriage, freedom, basic rights) but expect that we all keep the intimate abnormalities out of public view so that we don't have a bunch of straight people feeling uncomfortable.

  24. Natural? This occurs in nature. A lot:

    @23 do you feel uncomfortable when girls and guys are intimate and you see? I wouldn't like to see a heterosexual couple having sex in the middle of the street but that isn't what we are talking about.

    @15 and 18 just look at that list of animals. Homosexuality occurs in nature.

    I understand that many people aren't attracted to men (straight men, gay women). However, using the words repulsive and un-natural...these words communicate more hate than lack of attraction. Perhaps you are just using words that are stronger than what you mean? Perhaps thinking about men sexually (to straight men and gay women) is a turn off? Is that what you mean?

  25. this thread is really sad and it disgusts me that some of these people were accepted into MIT :(

  26. @25 get off your high horse...liberal thought was not a requirement for admission

    also, just because it occurs in nature doesn't mean its fact, surprising our animal instincts is what makes us a developed species

    and i find both gays dudes and girls equally as gross....whether it'd be pda or behind closed doors, i still find it abnormal

  27. I find this thread rather disturbing.

    10 had a very relevant addition though:

    Notice any similarities?

    Protip: Same as how the satire on the site is just another form of racism, the attitude and behavior discussed in this thread is just another form of homophobia.

  28. To clarify: the satire on the site isn't itself a form of racism; the satire aims to poke fun at that form of racism.

  29. I used to feel the same way as a lot of the guys on here - thinking about guys having sex, or even guys just making out would literally make me feel sick, and like I was about to throw up. I was not comfortable with that at all. Well, it turned out later on that I was actually attracted to guys.

  30. I really hoped that this entire thread is satire. But it isn't and that makes me sad.


  31. Well I'm fairly sure that 25 is a troll.

  32. I mean 23, not 25.

  33. I think the problem with the unnatural/not normal argument is that there are three different things this can mean, and its proponents keep switching them: Unnatural, as in, "does not normally happen in nature", which is clearly false (see 24), not normal as in "Does not happen in normal society", which is also clearly false (homosexuality does exist in American society), and unnatural, as in, "Is against nature's purpose", which can be argued one way or the other.

    However, this last category is problematic for several other reasons. Firstly, nature does not have a purpose; nature is not animate. Secondly, and more importantly, even if we assume nature does have a purpose, there are plenty of other things which are against nature's "purpose" (passing on of genes), such as helping an animal if there's no one around to impress, masturbating, or becoming a monk. Unless these are "gross" as well, homosexuality cannot be argued to be gross because it is unnatural.

    Unless there's a definition of unnatural that I'm missing, in which case, by all means, please point it out to me. I'm skeptical you can find a definition of "unnatural" that is not either obviously untrue or includes things that are clearly not bad things.

  34. This thread would be easier to read if there was a category for sexual orientation, rather than just gender.

  35. I've never understood the 'unnatural' argument. Are you trying to say gay people are not a product of nature? What the can that even mean? What ARE they a product of?
    Or perhaps do you mean that it is against evolution? *shrug* (So is being celibate, fertile couples who choose not to have children, and EVEN a man married to a woman who is past the age of fertility, especially when he is still fertile) Do you find it disgusting when two old people kiss in public? Idk. I don't see anything unnatural about it. Plus, if you really want to decrease the amount of gay people/bisexual people in society, why are we trying to force them to pretend they are straight? Doesn't that in fact hurt them, and pass on their genes more than letting them marry would?
    Also, have you seriously never seen a gay couple holding hands and thought they looked perfect together? : ) Some people just FIT XD

  36. I've never understood the 'unnatural' argument. Are you trying to say gay people are not a product of nature? What the can that even mean? What ARE they a product of?
    Or perhaps do you mean that it is against evolution? *shrug* (So is being celibate, fertile couples who choose not to have children, and EVEN a man married to a woman who is past the age of fertility, especially when he is still fertile) Do you find it disgusting when two old people kiss in public? Idk. I don't see anything unnatural about it. Plus, if you really want to decrease the amount of gay people/bisexual people in society, why are we trying to force them to pretend they are straight? Doesn't that in fact hurt them, and pass on their genes more than letting them marry would?
    Also, have you seriously never seen a gay couple holding hands and thought they looked perfect together? : ) Some people just FIT XD

  37. I'm ok with black people, I just hate it when their skin is black.

  38. can't we all coexist without being offended? like really folks. If two men want to kiss, that's their business. If you look at them and are offended, just know that it's NOT you and that they have different desires in relationships, which is "good for them." yes it may be gross for you to think about doing (i would no doubt be traumatized and sickened if i had to do that myself), but it's not your business and not your doing. just realize that you're strong/good enough to accept their needs and support people with those lifestyles. they tend to be nice people anyway. and if you still can't resist the urge to vomit at the thought, use your peripherals to spot it before you run right into it and simply avoid the sight. they won't bite (probably).

    it's understandable that straight people would be uncomfortable with gay guys around them, since gay men may see straight men as desirable and thus want something from straight men, the thought of which may provoke straight men into annoyance. i personally don't like when a guy wants something from me. until gay men start hitting on you though, you shouldn't worry about it and be happy that you're living with a diverse array of people with different perspectives. if they do hit on you, as much as that may suck at the time, it's easy to express your disinterest and they'll move on. no harm done--at all. they're fun and likable just the same, and are actually reducing your competition with the ladies.

    both sides really need to chill out and quit throwing the stigma on a problem that isn't actually there.

  39. We don't "want something from straight men", except to be treated like any other person. You're likely not attracted to all girls. Does that mean that girls you're not attracted to make you uncomfortable?

  40. i think people need to step back and realize what era we're in, whats the problem with people being in love? With people being affectionate to each other? I mean there is an obvious line of too much PDA, but a kiss, holding hands, why do you have to stare at people, or become so repulsed that you want to be sick? In the end w're all people and if we're not being personally affected then its none of our goddamn business. If you were brought up to think that way, its cool but don't be ignorant. Be accepting and try and put yourself in that persons position, do you think its so easy to admit that they are gay/bi, nah they were probably raised the same way as you. Its just something to think about next time you see something you are not used to, people can tell when you're staring at them, be respectful and maybe think ya know i hope they are happy doin what they are doing, being who they are, and loving someone just because they love them. It's not all about whether your a guy a girl black white or blue. People need to start enjoying people and say fuck it to stereotypes, we might all be a little happier

  41. " I just hate it when their color is black". This is the most idiotic statement I have ever heard!! their skin is black so what!!?? what puts u ahead of them since urs was more "lovable". If u had nothing relevant to the thread to say, u had better kept ur dirty mouth shut!! u can as well go to hell and burn to ashes!!

  42. This thread is so gay.

  43. @42 get mad. real cool.

  44. @42 it\'s cool I have black friends

  45. here's the thing: i can think something is disgusting if i want. Deal with it, you can't make someone like something they think is gross. Take foods for instance... My opinion is subject to change, but now i just find it gross. I don't care if you do it in front of me, i just won't appreciate it, that's all. Go fuck yourself if you have a problem with me thinking gay sex/kissing is gross.

  46. if we didn't have PR campaigns about how accepting the world is of gays, there wouldn't be so many any of them. the amount of openly gay men is a product of LGBT groups. not saying its bad, but it's definitely artificially influenced (if not created outright). the world as a whole is not at all accepting and the liberals who are, are just a loud minority.

  47. @47: Or, perhaps, we wouldn't have so many of them OUT. Just because they repressed their sexuality wouldn't mean that it wouldn't exist.

  48. Warning: I'm being flat out honest here. As much as I value insensitivity there are times where holding back the truth creates damage.

    I hope I don't offend anyone. I take this to be an open forum of discussion with free opinions, and this is mine.

    Discretion is advised.


    Clarifying on the unnatural:

    Yes, there is homosexuality in nature, but in no way does that make it 'natural'. We all know that with any distribution, there will be a small percentages of 'outliers'. Think of life as a huge experiment: Billions of people, each with different characteristics and placed in different environments, and like any experiment, a small percent of the results will simply 'not fit'. Anomalies. They happen - when there are differences, there are anomalies, especially with life being so varied.

    And anomalies tend to go against the rest. Just like in an experiment, results that contradict a hypothesis that is known to be true will often arise and will be disregarded as anomalies.

    Homosexuality is an anomaly - the rule of life is, men are attracted to women. Penises and Vaginas were designed for each other.

    Yes I realize that with modern technology it is possible to have homosexuality not lead to extinction, but without this technology, it would.

    It's simple: there IS an order to life. BUT there are exceptions (homosexuality), and the rest of us were designed to oppose such exceptions. For the most part, humans are designed to be naturally repelled from homosexuality.

    It's not because we're being jackasses. We're just being human. I'm being honest. It hurts, but its the truth:

    It Is Human Nature To Be Repelled From Homosexuality.

    So, it disgusts many of us. We're designed a certain way, and are designed to follow this and only this way, as it is necessary for survival, and for that to happen, we have been designed with an innate opposition to things that threaten us.

    Again, i'm not saying we are under threat or anything like that. But that's the direction. No matter how small, homosexuality is going against the flow, and we, everyone else, are flowing together, and are built to oppose any opposition.

    It's like a river of life that most of us are on. Homosexuality is a rock, blocking it. When you put it out there, it's going to get hit. If we allow it to be part of the river, it's going to permanently disrupt and weaken the flow of the river. Best left on the side.

    So, yes we get disgusted and grossed. We were programmed to find homosexuality - in essence - wrong. And that programming is innate, and is responsible for our existence.

    It's just the way it is. Homosexuality is an anomaly. I'm sorry, that's the way it is. And chances are, if you're part of the anomaly, (like 47 said), you're only there because popular media has made it such an issue and has spread it, which has artificially influenced you. With a rock in the middle of the river, some things are bound to get stuck to it.

    Having said all of that, no one disrespects or hates people just for being homosexual, me included. You are who you are. But, don't go around being shocked that we aren't completely supportive and are joining your ranks. Don't be offended by what you think is gross. We're just being human.


  49. @49 speak for yourself, not for the rest of the human race, many of whom (including myself) are disgusted and grossed out by people like YOU and your "superior race" thinking.

    Whoever said that homogeneity of sexual orientation is how it's "supposed" to be? We seem to be doing just fine with both homosexual and heterosexual (etc.) people, as do many other animal populations.
    And do you really think the point of human existence is to make lots and lots of babies? Because I'd like to think of myself as more than just a baby-making sex machine. And last I checked, we should be more worried about population growth than lack of babies.

    PS. To all you "manly men" on this post: the ancient Greeks thought gay loving was super manly, more than loving a woman. So think about that when you call your mindset "natural" instead of cultural.

  50. @49: Your argument is that homosexuality is unnatural, which makes it gross. Homosexuality being, as you put it, an "outlier" or an "anomaly" (and, statistically speaking, it is), does not make it "gross" or something that should be opposed. Other anomalous activity in nature includes things like altruism. And caring for the crippled. And democracy. And tool use. And monogamy. Religion also falls under this banner.

    All of the aforementioned things are outliers in nature, which humans were not "designed" (I believe you mean "evolved") to do. If we only did things that we had been "designed" to do, we would live in strict dominance hierarchies, without any tools, in polyamourous relationships, without any concept of God or gods.

    Just because something is uncommon in nature does NOT make it gross.

    That's not to say you can't think homosexuality is gross. You are well within your rights to think whatever you want. But don't try to make the case that it is objectively gross because it's not a common natural phenomenon. There are a lot of things that aren't common in nature that I'm sure you're fine with.

  51. Wow, more amazing revelations from 15/49. This may come as a surprise to you, but now that we live in a civilized society, most of us have found goals in life that go beyond basic survival and spreading copies of our DNA as widely as possible. Some people work toward ensuring the security and happiness of the people they love (including those whose genetic relation is at best tenuous), other people fight for the freedom of the oppressed, and still others bend themselves to building great works of art or engineering. All such people would be lumped squarely into your category of anomalies, or rocks in the river of life, simply because they don't adhere to what you consider to be their human nature. I think it is these people who makes civilization wonderful.

    As social animals, we have a tendency to form in-groups and identify with people like us, but in our modern world, where we live in large communities and don't try to kill everyone who is not in our tribe, it is the people who refuse to accept the differences of others that are the anomaly. Your view of the world is a relic of the hunter-gatherer era, where we found threats in anything unfamiliar, and it is out of joint with our thousands of years of progress. You can learn to be more accepting. Try using your human brain and opening your mind.

  52. @51 I think you're wrong: all those things you listed other than homosexuality are not anomalous and have specific reasons for being there (supporting human growth and evolution).
    Caring for the crippled makes you look like a good guy and will bring you allies, including the one you helped (being nice will lead to long-term protection). This is of course very useful for survival. That is partially why people who volunteer and do good things feel so good about it (including myself).

    Democracy keeps people in check and from killing each other. If you give a person a vote in the grand scheme of things, he/she'll feel useful and be less likely to get pissed off, rebel and overthrow whatever governing body is present. Democracy establishes a sense of fairness, and through this people can coexist more fluidly.

    Tool use is of course why you and I are wearing clothes, eating clean food, not being eaten by various animals that wouldn't mind human flesh for dinner, living in regulated buildings, operating machinery, innovating for a more comfortable future, and typing a bunch of bullshit on this entertaining forum.

    Monogamy keeps people in check and reduces the amount of man-killing-man that goes on due to jealousy and intrusion of "property" or ownership. If we can all claim a single partner (typically a woman), then it is clear whom is whose. This establishes communally agreed-upon guidelines through which members of human communities make decisions and act. I have my girl, you have yours, and we don't kill each other because we weren't sure who "that one" belonged to. It also helps ensure the survival of our offspring in that we are more bound to our mate, the mother (through monogamous marriages). Yes this is primitive and not relevant these days, but it is how humans have developed in the past.

    Religion is a means to bring vast quantities of people hope and a standard, specific set of rules by which that group of people is trained to live. Lots of people are hurting, and religion keeps them afloat by informing them that they are being "watched" by a higher power, and that things will turn out well in the end. Religion generally promotes peace, cooperating, and harshly punishes killing or stealing for example. Religion keeps people in check and motivates them to work hard and help their fellow brethren. I am a religious person, but I explaining why it aides in human advancement.

    Homosexuality does not promote human advancement directly through reproduction, obviously. I think, however, that gay people bring to light another group of outliers with whom we must all live. The same way handicapped people make us realize how lucky we are and often mollify the aggression and frustration we lucky ones have towards one another. We learn to help those people and become a more efficient people in doing so. The gay population does help people in the sense that we learn to tolerate even further and love one another even in the face of sexual discomfort and weakness. So even though gay people are not "natural," they teach us a valuable lesson and provide humans with yet another perspective. Not to mention, they are probably less prone to be distracted by their libidos and thus may be able to focus a little better/calmer/chiller on work...but that may be a stretch. Anyway, I'm done.

  53. @OP: I know you asked this as a serious question, but reading this, I (for a split second) really wished you were just a really, really brilliant troll.

    Butt that's just wishful thinking.

  54. 53 makes sense, all these things that 51 said aren't a valid argument. They very clearly and directly improve and advance life.

    And certainly there's more to life than reproduction, which is so basic and is not a 'goal' but a core part of life. But because it's such a trivial thing, when something goes against it, it's quite a big deal.

    @51: Yes, uncommon is NOT gross, certainly. But you can't really say that homosexuality is merely 'uncommon'. It is the complete reversal of one of the most basic, if not the most basic, characteristic of mankind.

    @52, same thing. This is not just a difference. It's not people having different beliefs, or preferences, or political opinions, or their favorite flavors of ice cream. All these things are opinions on things that we have made, that have come from us. Communists are against the people who chose democracy. Athiests are against those who chose God.

    But we didn't chose heterosexuality, the same way we didn't chose to be male or female, or to have 2 eyes. We didn't chose it. Its how it is, and it's always going to be like that.

  55. @55
    Yeah, I always thought handicapped people are disgusting. Their physiology is a complete reversal of some of the most basic evolutionary designs.

  56. @56
    are you suggesting we regard gays as we regard handicapped people?? if you are, i think you're correct because I have always viewed homosexuality as a mental disorder for which the world is trying to worsen the condition instead of helping it make it better

    and i say this because homosexuality is NOT natural...that it happens in nature with some animals does not prove it natural because its not the majority...its an anomaly, just like any other genetic mutation would be in any population (if 10% of a population has a mutation, does that make it "natural"? probably not)

  57. don't call me ignorant just because i oppose your cause....i (along with other pro-heterosexual people) did not set up some kind of "occupy" protest in front of you "coming out week" booth...i do not see traditional family parades as i see gay parades...i do not attack you calling you ignorant, old-fashioned, and out of touch for not accepting my views

    this world requires inequality...we can't all be doesn't work that way....and before you go attacking, think about came to MIT because it was BETTER, because it provided a HIGHER education, because it SETS YOU APART from your peers...and now you want to claim that everything has to be equal?? we live off this inequality; furthermore, we take advantage of it, and yet you claim it shouldn't exist??

    homosexuality is not like race because is not genetic (show me proof it is, show me proof it isn't...there are studies both ways, so Ill go with 10K years of evolution)

    funny how you call yourselves tolerant, yet you are the ones attacking me for calling myself preach to let you live your homosexuality and be treated equal but you attack my beliefs by saying they're old-fashioned and intolerant

  58. My favorite part about this thread is that someone (49) actually argued that modern technology is the only thing that can save the human race from extinction via homosexuality. And expects to be taken seriously.

  59. @ 59 lol!!! I thought I was the only one who saw that. What Gibberish!!! mtchew!! Homosexuality my foot!

  60. @56 how dare you equate homosexuals with handicapped? People who are handicapped or have mental diseases etc. have been forced into the situation. They had absolutely no influence on their condition. For the most part they are inspirational, they have differences that they overcome.

    Homosexuals, if you really want to compare, more or less actively endorse their homosexuality.

    Here's a good example: Homosexuals wouldn't mind if the whole world was homosexual. They cheer when someone new joins the rank. Big Gay Party, coming out week, u name it.

    but no handicapped person wants too see more people get handicapped.

  61. @15/49:
    Agree with you 100%. I told 12 to become gay and vanish from the gene pool for believing that men are intrinsically inferior to women. He downplayed the importance of men, who should be naturally very valuable to women. 12 is why retarded feminists exist and why superior men no longer have the right to marry multiple women even when they could provide for them.

  62. @50. Fine, be that way. I guess you don't want any man to love you. Sorry, you application for my high value sperm has been rejected.

  63. @62, I can tell you don't respect women. Too bad bro. Your life must be miserable.

  64. There is a misconception to what is actually disgusting. Gay people are just normal people with a mental abnormality. However, gay sex/kissing is the most disgusting shit ever.
    I can accept the existence of people who happen to be gay as long as they don't put that shit in the open and claim that being gay is a good trait, when it's probably Mother Earth saying "Fuck these humans that are overpopulating my surface!"
    But we here at MIT would like to hack the system and block the negative feed back response. From there, we can form an intergalactic empire. Who ever cure the gay should win a Nobel prize in Medicine and Peace at the same time, bi-winning.

  65. @64. False, I love my mama. She's the smartest person I know. I'm living a baller life, but in a society filled with too many selfish, bitchy, fat women. I'm fortunate to be around a few high-value women, but far too many women around today must have avoided the quality control filter, yet insecure males somehow still put them on pedestals.

  66. ah yes, the american bitch (and male asshole) phenomenon. i agree, america's standards for decent women scrape the bottom of the barrel. look into europe or asia and you'll be sure to find some reasonable standards.

  67. my stance is pretty much like Ari Gold's, as exemplified by this:

  68. that offends me and i'm straight. that's just whack yo.

  69. Hahaha I'm with 68

  70. Some serious trolling going on.

  71. all PDA is gross. man on man, man on woman, woman on woman.

    wait no nevermind, that last one is awesome. i guess it's only gross if it involves a man.

  72. example: I think mushrooms are gross. Other people don't. It's perfectly fine with me if you want to eat fungus. But if I see you eating fungus I will think it is gross. You are perfectly within your rights eating fungus in public. And I am perfectly within my rights thinking it's gross

    logical extension: I think other dudes' mouths are gross. Gay guys don't. It's perfectly fine if you're gay and want to make out with dudes. But if I see gay dudes making out I will think it is gross. You are perfectly within your rights having a gay make out session in public. And I am perfectly within my rights thinking it's gross

  73. @73: Just so long as you don't say anything or act differently in the slightest. Or get upset when two gay characters kiss on TV. Or make fun of Tim Tebow for his "kiss" of his teammate.


  74. @74, ummm I'll definitely look away from the TV or tell a friend i think it's gross as i would any other thing i think is gross. Deal with it, i'm entitled to what i want to think about things, even if i accept them. Gays no longer want people to just accept them, they want everyone to see them as the same as other couples. The thing is, it's not the same... It just isn't bud

  75. As convenient as the mushroom example is... Mushrooms aren't (attempting to/in the process of) redefining life's social and family structure, and many of us like the definition the way it is, they way it's always been, and don't want it changed.

    That's why homosexuality is a much bigger and critical issue than mushrooms. It's quite easy to ignore someone eating mushrooms - liking mushrooms is a personal preference and means nothing more, and definitely has no implications on society. The same can't be said about homosexuality, making it harder to just 'ignore' or 'look the other way' or 'accept'.

  76. @75: your attitude doesn't make you "right" or "superior." It just makes you closeminded and, as most people define it, intolerant (basing that off your last sentence).

  77. "Gays no longer want people to just accept them, they want everyone to see them as the same as other couples."

    ...Since when were these things different?
    That's exactly what "acceptance" means. It means that they are regarded as no different than the rest.

  78. seems like all this animosity stems from everyone's want to be better than the other, and that desire often leads to a condescending attitude to those who you think you're better than.

    Well, here's my condescending attitude towards those who think "disgust" is something to be proud of/flaunt around:

    Come on guys, no shit, there's a nature vs. nurture side to everything. If you can't overcome disgust(there's A LOT of harder things to overcome), you're pretty fucking mentally weak.

    I'm straight and I was disgusted at gays when I was little(I grew up in Texas), I'm working on being less disgusted though so I can enjoy the more important aspects of my gay friends as people.

  79. @75, ok, just don\\\'t be socially retarded though if you know whats good for you(b.c. it sounds like there\\\'s a good chance you are). For example: I think your face is gross, so I quickly turn away and am like: uugggh gross gross! that nasty fuck!! uggh get away from me!! <---- then I\\\'m hilarious and entitled(more so than you), but I\\\'d also be socially retarded.

  80. i'm okay with gays, i just don't want them teaching at schools with little kids.

    which is why i hate the harry potter series. dumbledore is the headmaster of the school. that guy shouldn't be gay, but dumbledore is. it's just not right.

  81. here's my take on this. Okay sure, Nature has designed the male body to have sex with the female body sure. As much as it is natural for men to have sex with women, and as much as unnatural gay sex would lead to the extinction of humanity, I don't think that going down the path of extinction by natural selection is our biggest worry.

    Tons of huge meotorites might wipe us the fuck out. Drought(caused by nature? WHAT?! But it's natural!! waahh) may kill a certain population(not anymore, b.c. of our progress, dare I say, against nature?). Some plague could kill our entire human race. Yeah, some plague designed by *nature*.

    Haha, you silly fucks, don't you see? Think outside the box you idiots. The only way our human race will ever continue beyond some catastrophic threshold of nature bound to happen(well, hehe, nature sure FUCKS US in the butthole doesn't it? ironic? ahahah) is by sheer cleverness and ability to progress ourselves BEYOND NATURE.

    My proposition:
    I think that the biggest hindrance to our survival are those people who find it hard to accept new ideas. Even worse are those who are bound by what is "natural". I hypothesize that people who flaunt their "disgust" are part of this group. These are the people who hinder big advances in the growth of the human race, our "unnatural" evolution. Yes, we need to wipe these people out.

  82. Sure there will always be natural (yes natural) disasters. But those are always negative, things no one wants and we stay away from them. If someone had superpowers and was causing floods or hurricanes, he would be imprisoned (killed in some places).

    So if I were to use your style of thinking, I would say definitely wipe out the homosexuals, not just a hinderance, but an active force backwards! They are like people who bring deadly storms that kill people. At least thats what ur implying we should think.

    For the record I obviously don't want anyone wiped out.

  83. ...It is just me or is 83 retarded?

  84. nope, he's retarded. good for us though, since MIT is often graded on a bell curve and all.

  85. Simple. I hate to fuck penises

  86. @85 yeah I never questioned it ever... I may have fantasized about being bi-curious, but the thought of seeing a man's face in a sexual act just repulses me. Also making out with one repulses me as well. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever going to try or even consider it, even if I'm hammered as fuck. Men's mouths are somehow 1000000 times nastier than a pretty girl's.

  87. While admission of attractiveness is one thing, and love for all people should be promoted, it is somewhat difficult to accept the normalcy of something you've always been taught was an aberration. Humans are the only species that deal with homosexual intimacy; it's never seen in nature. Not only that, but some people have religious beliefs that state that it is a sin. However, while I am Catholic, and I do acknowledge that it is, in fact, a sin, I also admit that I am a sinner, and that it is most certainly not my place to judge. Generally, people misunderstand religious texts and think that the hatred of homosexuals is okay, but it most certainly is not.
    On the other hand, everyone has their own beliefs. You should learn to listen to them, and at least respect them.

  88. god this thread is so old

  89. @87: Let's try looking things up before we talk out of our asses for once.

  90. @89, the unfortunate problem with bigots and zealots is the only accept facts that fit into their narrow, twisted world view. Anything else was "fudged by the liberal agenda." I'd have expected better from the most brilliant minds of our age, but experience speaks to the contrary.