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East Campus

Posted on May 7, 2014, 9:37 pm, M spotting F (Dorm). 5 comments. Mail  MIT

I saw you...or rather heard you, girl with the incredible classically trained voice. Who are you and why haven't I heard you sing before?

  1. You should come see her act as well- she's in a play that opens tomorrow!

  2. girl with the incredible classically trained _____.

  3. why haven't I heard you ____ before

  4. There are a lot of classically trained singers in EC, myself included. I don't know who in PiP is classically trained, but most of the rest of us have a concert this Saturday at 8!

  5. Oh gosh! :3 My friend told me to come look at this post. Thanks for being so sweet! I took lessons for five years but stopped when I came to MIT, and I haven't been in a musical or opera recently because they're so time-consuming during term. I've done some stuff with G&SP and MTG - maybe next spring. I miss it!


    Thanks for making my day, I've been up for like 36 hours working :D