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literally everywhere

Posted on April 15, 2014, 2:12 am, M spotting F (Around Campus). 24 comments.

I saw you sucking... Not anything disgusting like your thinking though. You just suck as a person, you walk with your head so damn high it's repulsive. I wish I could tell you all the changes I've seen you go through. I know I'm not in your perspective, but it's quite obvious you're emotionally wrecked. I wish I could save you from the miserable future you're going to have but I dont know how to tell you this without getting a hit placed on me.

  1. ...................
    Wait, why is it bad that she holds her head high?

  2. And the next day every woman's posture became just a little bit worse....

  3. oh stop fucking playing victim. if you have any sliver of suspicion that this person might be you, it probably isn't. you have an MIT brain, use it.

  4. That should really be a semicolon. It can be an em dash or a new sentence. It should not be a comma. That should not be a comma. That comma is not supposed to be there.

  5. Daww, I knew someone like you once. You should talk to her, maybe you'll learn that the angry, terrible things you make up in your head aren't actually how things really are. Remember, no one respects a coward.

  6. @1 There's a difference between being confident and being arrogant/snobby. I don't see how someone can not understand OP's meaning.

  7. If I could be literally everywhere, I'd be pretty impressed with myself, too.

  8. @5 ooooooh, somebody's insecure...

  9. I remember a time when oranges where not a popular way of waiting for the next train of thought? ~_O

  10. I remember a time when oranges where not a popular way of waiting for the next train of thought? ~_O

  11. You should talk to her in a way that isn't condescending. This happened in my life, and I regret not talking to her much sooner than I did.

  12. Why does everyone assume the person in question is a girl?

  13. @12: "Posted on April 15, 2014, 2:12 am, M spotting F (Around Campus)"

  14. Any other info, like dorm?

  15. what the fuck kind of world do we live in where you can't call a someone an asshole

  16. @15 You certainly can. And we get to call you an asshole too.

  17. @15 You fucking rock, asshole. Keep it up!

  18. @OP If you know so much about the girl, and think she could use a telling off, why the fuck haven't you done so already? Quit bitching on the internet you whiney wuss poopeyface!

  19. wow OP such bitter

    also-- *you're

  20. @ 18, your lack of perspective with your accusation generally means you're a short sighted person. I can't confirm or negate the fact that you might be that way because I lack an informed perspective on you. Just thought I would try to point that out so you can grow if indeed you can identify yourself to be short sighted.

  21. I am short; should I grow?

  22. OP seems like the hugest bitch ever

  23. the hugest ____ ever

  24. @7 I concur. Can someone introduce me? I've always wanted to be omnipresent