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East Campus

Posted on April 9, 2014, 1:18 am, M spotting F (Dorm). 25 comments.

Yet another time I wonder why I live among a bunch of kids that act like they're ten years old.

You people who pushed heavy wooden tables down the stairs and left them right outside the door to the dorm, don't you know how to properly dispose of trash, without putting it on public display?

  1. Don't you know how to air your grievances, without putting them on public display?

  2. If you really do have an issue with this, try posting to

  3. And if you think it might concern others,

  4. ^Point proven, acting like a ten year old.

    -Not OP

  5. I cannot wait until they close down east campus like they did bexley. It will be a happy day.

  6. @5 and random

    People need to learn to be integrated with reality.

  7. @5 and @6. And MIT.

    It would be such a happy day when that happens. Don't you hate how people here fuss over petty stupid things like grades and getting jobs when the reality is that the universe is apathetic to our existence, any of us could die at any moment, and that there are people out there who live in constant fear of them and their loved ones being raped, beaten, and murdered?

    So God forbid people actually demonstrate self expression and some level of self-governance for the price of minor annoyances and hilarious shitshows on the rare occasion. Because none of that could possibly considered to be real at all.

    If OP isn't able to demonstrate the basic human capacity of confronting people and actually figuring out how to solve problems, maybe he should move to somewhere where that's handled instead by the overbearing authority of actual "adults".

  8. @7 Maybe OP would, if he knew the people, instead of just finding big wooden tables out in public.

  9. OP, you should have brought it back up the stairs to them.

  10. What the fuck did you just fucking say about [East Campus], you little bitch? I’ll have you know [East Campus] graduated top of [East Campus]'s class in the Navy Seals, and [East Campus] has been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and [East Campus] has over 300 confirmed kills. [East Campus] is trained in gorilla warfare and [East Campus]'s the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to [East Campus] but just another target. [East Campus] will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to [East Campus] over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak [East Campus] is contacting its secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. [East Campus] can be anywhere, anytime, and [East Campus] can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with bare hands. Not only is [East Campus] extensively trained in unarmed combat, but [East Campus] has access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and [East Campus] will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. [East Campus] will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

  11. Random actually has instability issues that will eventually force it to close. East Campus as a building is in pretty good shape.

    Venting your grievances on ISY isn't really a good way to claim superior maturity.

  12. OP here.

    Three tables continue to sit in the bushes outside the entrance, two of them overturned, one in the dirt. Think about the disrespect you're showing to the facilities crew who has to clean up after you. Think about the fact that you created an eyesore to residents and to visitors during CPW. Was it that much more difficult to bring your trash to the loading dock where it belongs?

    Also, did you people throw the tables down the stairs? The 10-minute racket was awful while I was trying to study. I wouldn't be surprised if there's damage to the walls.

    I have no problem with freedom and self-expression, but I have a problem with disrespect. Tables in the dirt have nothing to do with self-expression.

    I could have written to a hall or a dorm list, but I'd much rather take backlash anonymously than personally, and no matter how well-reasoned you are, you always get an earful of crap on EC lists. Ain't nobody got time for that.

    I have no qualms about my calling you immature. Take a look at yourselves.


  14. @12 "you always get an earful of crap on EC lists"

    This is actually true. It's funny how edgy kids in EC try to be in defying others. It's pointless to argue with them; they're right, you're wrong, defy defy defy, sticking it to the man, yadda yadda doesn't make you more mature for always swearing and making snarky remarks, it just makes you look like the 10 year old kid that OP clearly knows about.

  15. Hey, OP.

    You mention that these are heavy wooden tables: perhaps the unknown culprits are providing the tables as scrap material for CPW festivities, or were temporarily making room on their hall. It's been common for people to park pet projects purposely against the parallels, even in odd orientations for the objects. (see: land yacht, elliptical bike, assorted Rush lumber for lofts)

    I really wouldn't worry about the walls of East Campus--the buildings are nearly indestructible. Most EC walls are concrete, but there are many which are drywall, burlap and plaster, especially near the stairwells (which were rebuilt at some point). The person/people who managed to relocate their wood downstairs with great difficulty may have not realized that their grunting and banging would disturb residents through the thin walls.

    It seems entirely possible to me from where I sit (unaware of many details from your dilemma) that this issue is simply a misunderstanding with a dash of poor exterior decorating/organizational skills. Still, I doubt that OP would have submitted this post at all were this the first time such an incident took place. If you care to share in this setting, what's keeping you at EC at this point? You shouldn't feel obligated to reside here after N semesters, or anything like that.

  16. Clearly OP doesn't know about the table elves.

  17. why is East Campus is brackets? is this course 6 lingo?

  18. @17

    It's in reference to a meme:

  19. Don't worry. Those tables can't hurt you anymore...

  20. @15 +1

  21. If you didn't want someone to drop a bunch of tables, you should have properly sanitized your database inputs.

  22. @21 you win this thread

  23. @OP, turns out people generally respond negatively when criticized publicly without warning, and less so when approached personally.

  24. @23 Later that day....

    "I saw you, cornering me to question me about the tables I moved; your threatening and disrespectful behavior rabble rabble rabble...."

  25. @5 & 6
    Surprised that Senior House didn't make your axe list