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66 Athena Cluster

Posted on March 24, 2014, 6:55 am, M spotting M (Athena). 9 comments. Mail  MIT

I saw you, guy playing World of Warcraft in the 66 Athena Cluster.

You plug your laptop into a monitor and keyboard from an Athena computer, and play WoW, from at least 10pm to 7am. Every. Effing. Day.

I'd have thought that when I asked you to stop talking (yes, out loud, about WoW, in an Athena Cluster) to people in WoW, that you'd have respected it. You're still here, talking every night, and treating it like your bedroom, when you sleep, eat, talk, and WoW.

What to do? Just... Wow.

  1. Very rude. Much stink. WoW.

  2. That's pretty ridiculous... playing for such long hours indicates that he doesn't have other outlets he considers to be more worthy of his time.

  3. You plug your laptop into a monitor and keyboard from an Athena computer, and ______, from at least 10pm to 7am. Every. Effing. Day.

  4. Is he even MIT? ...maybe he's just hitching the internet here?

    I know whenever I've visited internet cafes in certain cities, I've found WoW players who look ready to stay right through the night :/

  5. Pretty sure he's MIT. There are a lot of students who are addicted to games. :P

  6. there is also a guy who is there during the day stinking the place up. Are they the same person?

  7. OMG I HAD A FEELING I BELONGED IN THAT CLUSTER. I will start studying there regularly now. I have body odor as well. :) Looking forward to making friends.

  8. OMG I HAD A FEELING I BELONGED IN THAT CLUSTER. I will start studying there regularly now. I have body odor as well. :) Looking forward to making friends.

  9. omg <3