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Valentine's Day

Posted on March 9, 2014, 3:38 pm, M spotting F (Around Campus). 5 comments. MIT

I saw you...the day after Valentine's Day. I knew something was bothering you then and I pushed you too hard to find out what. Then I did it again this past week. Since I know you don't want to hear from me, I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I failed in being who you needed me to be.

  1. Hey, at least you were needed.

    That's better than some of us.

  2. Boo f****ing hoo... There are other fish tacos in the sea.

  3. What she really needs you to be is not a huge pussy. Stop being deep and shit or you'll end up the beta friend while she rides some other dude.

  4. @3 A popular girl likely might have a dozen male 'beta friends' and one boyfriend. So you or your friends have been 'deep' and been rejected. Deal with it.

    If you're posting something like this, your beliefs clearly aren't deep, and any girl would be well within her rights to call you out for faking it.

  5. You all need to think a few levels more into this. Respect for her may trump any physical relationship desires he had. In which case he isn't faking anything, but rather finding another route to send a message to her.