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architecture studio

Posted on February 14, 2014, 12:56 am, F spotting M (Student Center). 21 comments. Mail  MIT

I saw you... sexy grads students. I say hot dayummm

  1. +1

  2. How do architecture students look so good when they get so little sleep?

  3. How do architecture students look so good when they get so little sleep?

  4. @2 'cause they're all hipsters and that's all they really care about

  5. @4 Really? Not because it's literally their job to display a mastery of aesthetics?

  6. @5 "mastery of aesthetics". Thanks for the laugh, architecture student. The next time I pass by Stata (or how about Il Duomo or St. Peters?), I'll remember how you get the frames on your fake glasses *just* the right thickness and your skinny jeans *just* the right amount of tight.

  7. "mastery of aesthetics"

    I'm sitting in STATA, right now... If the aesthetic they were going for was an incomprehensible mess resembling a carbuncle on the face of the MIT campus, I suppose they got that right.

  8. @2 it's practice, baby, all practice.

  9. @7 thanks for making me google image search "carbuncle"

  10. Stata looks like multiple soda cans fucking.

  11. soda can gangbang

  12. you're focusing on one building and forgetting all the beautiful architecture out there. It's very easy to pick one bad example in whatever field and complain about it, but that doesn't mean that that field is all "soda cans".

  13. Everything is just soda cans in the end.

  14. Soda can is just soda can in the soda can.

  15. @13/14 can be construed as graphic references to soda can sex.

  16. soda can huangbang

  17. @16 I'm not familiar with this phrase but it sounds like a group of Taiwaneeses engaged in marital relations

  18. We're available if you say hi.

  19. We're available if you say hi.

  20. most architecture students dont like the stata center btw
    stop judgin

  21. @10 As long as it's fuckin' it's all good ma brotha.