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Posted on March 6, 2015, 4:35 pm, F spotting F (Student Center). 2 comments. MIT

You were crying in front of the Class of 2016 event--not an "I failed my exam" type of cry, but a heart-wrenching "How am I going to get through to tomorrow" type of cry. I wish that I would've been less concerned about my plate of wings and that I had stopped then to ask if you were ok.
When I came back a few minutes later, you had many friends surrounding you. I'm glad that you have friends to support you, and I hope that you are ok.

  1. Don't worry about not stopping-- it's your thought that counts, and it's your thought that made me feel a bit better today

  2. Yeah. Though I'm guessing the answer to "Are you okay?" was a pretty decisive "no".