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Posted on November 10, 2015, 12:29 am, F spotting M (Dorm). 2 comments. Mail  MIT

I saw you...I hate how you make feel. I hate you can turn me into a jealous person. I hate how you treat other girls. I hate how you always have an excuse to cover your shit, and not want to go official. I hate your guts right now. I hate how you flirt in front of my face. I hate it. I hate that to other girls of course I have no right to be jealous, cause after all you're not "my boyfriend" right? Why don't you want to tell them? I hate that you put me in this situation. I don't want to fucking have to deal with idiots that like you and think I'm taking up all your time and all your space. I hate this. I fucking hate this. I hate you too at the moment.

  1. You can yell into this internet hole all you want about your hatred, but unless you do something, you're just going to keep on yelling.

  2. Did he ever make it official?