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Outside of the student center

Posted on November 3, 2014, 11:31 am, F spotting M (Student Center). 6 comments. Mail  MIT

I saw you, guy with the mountain bike, who jumped off your bike to save a little boy's orange balloon in front of the student center steps. You then flew down two flights of stairs on your noble steed and disappeared into the traffic of Mass Ave. I blinked and you were gone....

(Have you found your Cinderella? I think I lost my slipper....)

  1. Well in my eyes.. he just prevented the boy from learning a life lesson that he could have learnt early on. Idiot.

  2. Was he hot?

  3. Would she have posted here if he wasn't?

  4. @1 careful not to cut yourself on that edge

  5. @4 oh yeah, that's very clever. very good. Keep it up. (sound familiar?)

  6. fucker making the rest of us look bad.