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Posted on July 29, 2014, 10:24 pm, F spotting M (Other). 6 comments. MIT

I saw you... course 6 redhead thrower. I just wanna say, daayumn @yourprofilepicture. I regret not trying harder to get to know you better but before I could school was already over. We've only talked a few times last semester, but you seem cool and I'll be in Boston next year-I know it's kind of late, but Rome wasn't built in a day...let's see what can happen ;)

  1. Saw him at the z today... he's looking better than ever

  2. No one looks like that without serious issues. Overcompensation much?

  3. Hard work will get you there if you're willing. #2 clearly doesn't know this and is probably fat.

  4. @2 His adonic anatomy has appeared to accrue an appreciable amount of adoration from amorous admirers.

    Maybe he molded his musculature merely as a means to mate?

  5. Not overcompensating. Can confirm.

  6. Giant redhead scarface ninja strikes again