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Posted on April 29, 2014, 1:41 pm, F spotting M (Other). 18 comments. Mail  MIT

I saw you all over the internet, getting press for being 'the face of modern chivalry' and "world's best boyfriend".

Based on what I've heard about how you treated your ex, you're not ranked among people who should earn that title. I hope you've learned from it and that things are better with the new girl, but goddamn I feel bad for anyone who's put up with your control issues having to see all this praise you're getting.

(To be clear, I'm not knocking the app itself, I think it's great for everyone. I just think the press is so, so, off-target with its "what a great guy" and "look girls this will save you".)

  1. Knowing him and his ex, I couldn't agree more. He seems to be a controlling ass in all of his relationships, not just romantic ones.

  2. All people have their failures and successes. Praise them for what they do right, and scold them for what they do wrong.

  3. Are you anthropomorphizing an app? What's going on here.

  4. They're making a jab at the personal life of the founder of Kitestring.

  5. So that's why they're no longer together...sad :/

  6. "Based on what I've heard"

    Great basis for an anonymous attack.

  7. @6, I wish more people were like you. (in all seriousness)
    Too many people just take the word of anonymous people as fact and form their judgments based on that.

  8. Based on my personal interactions with him, I would have to agree with 1.

  9. based on what I've heard, Hitler was not a very nice person.

  10. based on what i've seen and read, solid facts can be shown to say he was not a nice person. Think you're justified in that assertion 9.

  11. +1 to OP. Vindictive, but thanks for putting it out there.

    @6,7 - you are correct, but it's hard to give more exact detail on a public forum like this (if not out of courtesy to him, then at least to his ex I'd rather not give details of someone else's relationships).

    However, speaking as someone who knew about this particular couple... OP is sadly correct. And yes, he has been told in person.

    Point being, people almost always mix the professional and the personal. The internet should praise him for writing a handy app, NOT for being a good boyfriend.

  12. @11 Please, do elaborate further. I'm starved of gossip by the sheer amount of end-of-year work and studying.

  13. @11 Same. I love gossip. At this point it's the only thing that keeps me going. That and dick jokes and habitrpg. Please, more. Please.

  14. Lol, on a more app/media related note, fuck off with the notion that women need to be kept safe. The app seems super useful for a large variety of people, so why the focus on his girlfriend?

  15. @14, It was the original reason he created the service (the current one, not the ex)

  16. I've been assuming he was gay...

  17. I've been assuming he was gay...

  18. I've been hoping he was gay.