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6.004 Recitation

Posted on April 26, 2014, 9:01 pm, M spotting F (Class/Lab/Academic). 4 comments. MIT

I saw you... people talking during recitation (two different groups of Asians who don't shut up). The TA had to almost yell at one point so you would pay attention, and you still didn't care. It has been two weeks already and you are still doing it. If you want to talk DON'T GO TO RECITATION.
*I mention your race just because all members of the groups happen to be of the same race, and that way it is easier for you to know if I am talking about you. The fact that you are Asians doesn't change my perspective about how disrespectful you are in any positive or negative way.


  2. girls got a point, yo, shits fucked up.
    I might not have framed it so exclusively on asians v merkans, but I'm pretty sure cultural mannerisms are a real thing and equivocating is just less efficient.
    OP, you're the hero we need.

  3. op is an hero