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Posted on April 13, 2014, 5:27 pm, F spotting F (Around Campus). 10 comments. Mail  MIT

I see you black women on campus killing the game and being fabulous/beautiful while doing it! From one sista to another because we're so slept on.


  2. what game are you killing? ... LMAO

  3. common pheasant

  4. @3

    It's spelled "peasant"

  5. Goodness, can you let them have time to enjoy the compliment before making a mockery of it.

  6. @4

    how do you know 3 didn't really mean Pheasant?

  7. @4 It takes skill to miss a joke that obvious.

  8. @7 skill, too, to miss a troll

  9. ^

  10. @8 Pretty lame troll. I'd prefer to think it was an idiot rather than someone who tries so hard to troll but can't.