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Posted on February 10, 2014, 10:38 pm, M spotting F (Student Center). 6 comments. MIT

I saw you... Secretary General. Now that the conference is over I can only hope we meet again...

  1. You wanna straight up Boutros-Boutros-Boutros-Boutros Ghali dat Hammarskjöld if U know what I'm sayin'.

    Also, is it pronounced "mittmunk"? 'cause that'd be kind of cool.

  2. It's not about how long the gavel is, it's about how long you can bang it

  3. awwwwwwww get it, NF.

  4. If you're as long as the speakers list, meet me in the bathroom ;)

  5. I can only hope we ____ again

  6. ow that the ____ is over