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Posted on December 2, 2013, 11:07 pm, M spotting F (Student Center). 31 comments. MIT

I saw you...I sneezed and even though you didn't know me you blessed me and it was wonderful.

  1. You're welcome! Pass it on to others and spread the joy. :)

  2. seems like things are getting pretty serious

  3. @1

    Maybe some of us don't want to be blessed.

    Maybe you should keep your religiously-charged language to yourself.

  4. Yeah @1, why are you beating people over the heads with religious shit like that?

    Maybe they didn't consent to your blessings. Maybe you're just pushing in through their nose and soul-raping them in public.

  5. @3,4: She was cute and uncommonly courteous; the blessing was welcome.

  6. @5

    > cute
    The attractiveness of this individual should not affect the weight of her offense, lest you desire a biased judgement.

    > uncommonly
    If you feel courtesy is something uncommon in your experience, then perhaps you should converse with more courteous company.

    > courteous
    > welcome
    You only perceive the "blessing" as such because you are complacent with her attempt at expressing good intentions. While she may have meant no harm, her words were inconsiderate to your religious affiliation. If the banality of the phrase dulls your emotion, imagine her instead saying "Allah bless you" or "Flying Spaghetti Monster bless you".

  7. What if she just said, "Bless you" without a religious affiliation?

    Also, 6, just stfu. It's anal, overly politically correct people like you who ruin it for the rest of us.

    -not OP

  8. 6: You're really trying to read way too far into this.


  10. @7

    > What if she just said, "Bless you" without a religious affiliation?
    Religiously-loaded phrase, as is the word "bless".

    > overly politically correct
    What is the right amount of political correctness in your opinion? What discrimination should I turn a blind eye from?


    > You're really trying to read way too far into this.
    It's institutionalized discrimination. You may want to ignore that facet, but it's there, and some people will be victims of it. If you're not one, then you're lucky.

    ― 6

  11. @10: Nitpicking minuscule details like that is only going to make you continually frustrated in the long run. Humans are humans, nobody's perfect, everyone sucks in some (or many) way(s), most people are good in some or many ways. You sound like you're at the point in life where you've discovered that you can assign nuanced descriptions to everything and thoroughly deconstruct ideological concepts. That's great. Most people who reach this point discover that doing so constantly is taxing and unsustainable. Generally speaking, goodness and positivity beget more of the same, and the reverse is true as well; probably better, then, to just be positive if you can.

  12. The atheism at this school really gets on my nerves. You people ride around on your scooters just looking for opportunities to find some religious person taking away your "rights". What did Christianity ever do to you? Christians freed the slaves and Soviet atheists killed millions. Get over yourselves.

  13. @12 wow I hope you're just trolling.

    While I agree some people are quick to pull the discrimination card, they exist in every group. Would you like it if I lumped you in with the FOX news correspondents who are upset about a festivus pole being displayed next to a nativity scene?

    For the response to 'what did Christianity ever do to you' see <FOX news> above.

  14. omg, she said bless you when someone sneezed, calm the f down. It's a small courteous gesture, not religious propaganda. geez.

  15. Aww. This is cute! :D Thanks for sharing, OP.

  16. Saying "bless you" in response to a sneeze in no way contributes to institutional oppression of any sort.

  17. Someone was singing a hymn/Christmas carol outside the 5.60 review session today. It was highly distracting. That religiously charged language should be stopped.

  18. Freedom of expression, assholes. OP and the person OP saw can say what they please.


  19. @6 Bless you

    @18 willybumbum.mkv

    @* 'Murica!

  20. @17, it wouldn't have been any less distracting if they were singing a modern pop song.

    On the one hand, people who complain about "political correctness" are usually terrible people who want to be able to continue to casually shit on oppressed minorities.

    On the other hand, atheists are not an oppressed minority, and trying to find discrimination and victimization where it doesn't exist is both annoying and offensive to those who actually face oppression. Your bullshit makes it harder to get society to take racism, LGBT rights, and feminism seriously.

  21. @20 there's a higher chance of singing because of Christmas.

    P(Singing) = P(sing pop songs) + P(sing religious fascism)

    P(sing religious fascism|December) > P(sing religious fascism)

  22. @17 Your life is not any worse off because some random person was singing a Christmas carol in your vicinity.

    @21 By calling it "religious fascism" you are promoting bigotry in our society.

    Everyone here is creating conflict where there is no need for it. When someone says "bless you", say "thank you". When someone sings a Christmas carol, it is no different from someone singing some pop song which you don't like or that has some message you don't agree with. I am an atheist myself and understand that you don't celebrate Christmas or believe in being "blessed", but there is no need to be an asshole about it. It is for this reason that many people in this country have such a negative view of atheists in general.

  23. @22, Mhmmmm. Atheists being assholes about religious people and also atheists who happen to choose their lack of faith as an outlet for their already-existing douchebaggery. See Richard Dawkins, who is vehemently sexist.

  24. @21 do you understand the definition of fascism?

    Or "bless" for that matter? Without the word "God" attached to it, I can't see it as much more than a societal norm like "Hello" or "How are you?" And "God Bless You" can hardly be called oppression/fascism/<insert charged buzzword> itself either

  25. assholes be like "bless is a religious word."

    Dumb motherfuckerz trying to be smart.

    @2,,3,6. Y'all dumb and slimy idiots should go back to the shit hole where you came from. And yeah I am so ready for an
    e-fight today.... :P

    bless u! bless u! bless u! bless u! bless u! bless u!
    bless u! bless u! bless u! bless u! bless u! in Jesus name!

    bite me. :P


  27. @26 Are those virgins eligible for Amazon Prime shipping?

  28. @20

    There's plenty of discrimination against atheism in the United States. Or need I remind you that atheists are banned from holding public office in 7 out of 50 states.

  29. So troll very atheism wow

  30. @29 +9001

  31. @29 9001